Thursday, November 17, 2005


in attempting to find a new hairstyle, at emily's advice i googled "hot hair." i landed on a website called, no joke, i clicked on "mens' hairstyes," only to find:

"Men's hairstyles are too easy!

Have you heard this one about men's hairstyles? A man walks into a hair salon and gets the same hair cut he's had since he was two. Sorry, ladies, this isn't a joke, but the funny part is that this is true and the man walks out as happy as when he walked in.

So, how come men can keep the same hairstyles for decades and not care? We're not sure, although it's probably a gene they have (just like the one that causes them to leave wet towels on the floor). Still, why do they get away both of these things while ladies don't?

Men's hairstyles aren't as sexy

Let's face it, when it comes to men's hairstyles they simply aren't as sexy. Women take the time and the effort pays off. Men's hairstyles could be bought at a discount store and they wouldn't care!

Well, we've compiled a list of reasons why men just don't care about their hairstyles. Then, to be fair, we've compiled a list of why men should care more about hairstyles! (please note, if you are male, these lists probably don't relate to you since you're actually interested in men's hairstyles enough to surf a website about it--but please, feel free to forward this on to your other male friends)."

apparently the creators of this webpage are sad-sack 44-year-old women living in eastern montana and have never known a faggot in their live-long lives. our hairstyles might not be as "sexy" as your ash-blonde, feathered, layered, permed, frizzhair that's tied at the base of your neck with a ribbon you found laying at the bottom of your sewing supply cabinet, but we're trying. so lay off us.


At November 18, 2005 8:52 AM, Blogger Ratface said...

where's the list they compiled?

and not only have they never seen a fag, they've never seen the myspace hair awards!


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