Friday, December 16, 2005

my humps, part the 3rd

"Irony and camp have recast taste as an ethical shell game and we feel no guilt celebrating things that are, in the parlance of VH1, Awesomely Bad. But are there still songs that qualify as "bad"? Consider the Los Angeles hip-hop quartet the Black Eyed Peas. Their current single, "My Humps," is one of the most popular hit singles in history. It is also proof that a song can be so bad as to veer toward evil."

brilliant. it's not just me and hilary that hate this song, apparently there's a whole movement against it. and enough interest in that movement for someone to write a smart little discourse on just why it's so bad.

read the article here.


At December 19, 2005 9:20 AM, Blogger Florida Opera/Waitress said...

I hate that song! Is it about her boobs or her ass...or is it her cellulite?


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