Thursday, June 16, 2005


i'm exhausted today. i didn't stay up last night doing homework, or cleaning my apartment in preparation for the fives of tens of people who are going to be at it on saturday. no, friends, i was trying to get my new silkscreen to work until 12:30am, and when it didn't i let it upset me so much that i was awake half the night, rolling around pissed off about it.

i'm trying to make a t-shirt; for years i've threatened to switch from iron-on transfers to silkscreen, because iron-ons tend to shall i put this...homemade. i might be wearing homemade clothing, but does everyone need to know it? those queens can be ruthless.

so, i've bitten the bullet and finally bought a silkscreen. by doing so, this one faggy little sleeveless t-shirt has not only become the bain of my existence and the biggest challenge i've faced since applying for my master's, it's started to cost me quite the pretty penny. i hate to admit it, but the money i've poured into this one creative venture probably could've bought me a shirt at armani exchange. granted, now that i have the supplies i'll be able to make all the shirts i could ever dream of. i'm just going to have to make a lot of t-shirts to make myself feel like i haven't wasted money. when, in point of fact, that's exactly what i've done.

if you see me on saturday, compliment my shirt. unless i'm not wearing one. in that case you can assume the silkscreen didn't work and it's finally driven me crazy, causing me to revert to some sort of lord of the flies-like hunter/hunted lifestyle.


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