Wednesday, June 01, 2005

travellin' man

amanda's on her way down to baltimore to stay here tonight, then in the morning we'll road trip it to myrtle beach. we're not just going on a beach vacation, oh no. we're marrying off our good friend from college, alyson, and she'll be the first of us to get married. amanda's single (we've decided to call her single sallie [after sallie mae, bastard holder of my student loans] even after she's landed herself a man) and god knows i'm single. if there is a god. check out my column last week for that discussion.

amanda and i haven't spent 8 hours in the car together in years; last time we did i ended up wearing her skirt and taking pictures in upstate new york. pray for us.

so, for the next four days we'll be driving to south carolina and back, going to a beach wedding, and hopefully getting ourselves nicely crisp and brown. that is, if it doesn't pour rain as it's supposed to. alyson's romantic beach wedding could turn into a drowned-rat disaster if that's the case.

dearest readers, i bid you adieu until sunday evening, at which point i hope to have some crazy pictures (but hopefully not of me in a skirt) to share. godspeed.


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