Saturday, July 09, 2005

as terry makes eggs, the only thing to eat in our house.

i'm not the kind of person who can stay out until 3.45 am anymore. i don't know if i ever was, really, but now it's crystal clear to me: i'm becoming an in-bed-by-1 kind of queer.

i went to sonar last night with michael, ashley, and some of michael's friends, my favorite of which was jamie, a self-described bear who had a bear boyfriend in a bear hat. they were like, young punky bears. when michael told me, "my friend jamie's coming with us; he's a bear!" i was totally expecting to walk up to jamie's car and find this leering, gray-haired man in a leather cap and chaps, his "boy" tied to the front seat by his harness. the truth is that jamie and his boyfriend are bears because they're fat and hairy--and they own it, believe me. i've never seen a 6'4" 300 pound man dance like that before, i'll say that much.

today i am hungover. i woke up making plans for what i'll do tonight: maybe rent a movie, go to the store, and sit in my house. yes, that sounds nice. maybe that will make my headache go away. terry's going to go a going-away party thrown by his boss at her house. how is it possible that hopkins found a gaggle of the best bosses ever and then gave them to all my friends?


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