Friday, July 22, 2005

i'm too old for this

michael, ashley (or as i like to call her, ashli), and i went to a lil' punk show last night at a place called "the girl house." michael calls it the "lesbian collective" but don't tell anyone because being called a co-op might bristle their leg hairs.

i promise, i'm not going to turn into one of those nasty lesbian-hating faggots. i swear.

so we went to this house up in charles village last night and i met some of michael's antioch friends. they're all perfectly antioch: they've been free-thinkers for so long now that conforming just isn't an option anymore. they're the kind of people that make me want to be like, "depauw? who? where? me?" luckily, they're also the kind of people who could give a shit where i did my masters', much less that i went to an uber-preppy college and they went to the most bohemian college in the midwest.

the bands were supposed to start playing at 9 (riiiiiiiiiiiight), and at about 9:30 ashli said, "it's getting to be my bedtime." fifteen minutes later michael said the same thing. i hate to admit it, but it's totally true--i'm sorry, but i go to bed at 10:30. i don't sit in steamy-hot living rooms with a bunch of tattooed and pierced people until all hours of the night waiting for some punk band from san francisco to start playing. the first band finished their set and we made our exit, complaining how late it was and how exhausted we were even though it was before midnight.

god, when did we get old?

along the same lines, ashli keeps trying to get us to go out with her on weeknights. her latest crusade is to get us to go to the talking head on monday. i respond to an invitation to go out and get drunk on a weeknight like someone was asking me to drink their blood while peeing on them and gutting a baby. (ew, was that too graphic for 10am?) i indignantly reply, "no, i'm sorry. i don't go out on weeknights. i'm too old for that."


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