Thursday, September 22, 2005


i saw a fucking mouse in my apartment yesterday. a fucking. mouse. there i was, stirring my chicken peanut curry (it turned out to be very good) when i saw something move in the corner of my eye. thinking it was a roach, i whipped my head to the right, only to see a little (actually it wasn't that little. if it was really little it might've been kinda cute. this was like at least four inches long. wait, does that make it a rat? oh fuck. i can handle mice, but if it's a rat i am OUTTA THERE.) gray mouse run around the corner towards my bedroom.

my first reaction? "FUCK NO." literally. i said that. not screaming, not crying. just a very forceful and angry "FUCK NO."

you see, it's not just that i've now seen a mouse in my apartment. i've also seen one very, very large belly-up beetle (i'm calling it a beetle) and three small roaches. the two that i've seen and been able to kill in my bathroom i can handle. it was the one that i found when i opened up the cabinet that holds my dishes that i can't deal with. it ran behind a crack in the cabinet and was gone, only to resurface, i'm sure, once the cabinet has been closed and it's free to galavant all over my dishware.

the feeling that my apartment is being overtaken by vermin--mice (rats?), cockroaches, and the new proliferation of daddy long legs--is one more nail in its coffin. i mean, come on already. the place already stinks because it's an old, musty apartment with old, musty carpeting. the linoleum and tile are shameful--even after i've scrubbed them (yes, terry, i actually do clean my apartment once a week) they're sticky. just because they're old and horrid.

michael told me, in my flurry of indignation, that mice and roaches are common in city apartments.

"well," i said, "i've certainly never lived anywhere that had mice or roaches."

"then you've led a very priviledged life," he said, referring to my recent stint at the uber-fancy waterloo.

"yes, i have," i said. "and i miss it."

seriously, people. mice and roaches.


At September 22, 2005 9:21 AM, Blogger Michael G Bare said...

Don't forget I also said we'd get traps. You don't have to live with them.....

At September 22, 2005 9:22 AM, Blogger Robert said...

TRAPS! who do i look like, crocodile dundee?

At September 22, 2005 9:52 AM, Blogger Ratface said...

Is there something wrong with rats???

And i can picture you going "fuck no" haha...

At September 22, 2005 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had mice in my first apartment up here. The only thing that reall got rid of them was when I forced my landlord to go through the place with caulk and fill in every single tiny crack. The leave out poison for the ones that are still inside. Its totally gross...but its better than having them forever. it gets worse in the winter when they come in from the cold. ----Eliza

At September 22, 2005 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My boyfriend had mice in his apt before he moved out, and it def gets worse in the winter, and he had problems when it rained a lot too, so you should try to nip it in the bud as much as possible before this summery weather is over.

At September 22, 2005 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's not forget the roach that we had in waterloo that i made you kill...i don't have problems with roaches or mice (outside the lab anyway) in chicago. no, i have a spider problem, which is much scarier. there was one in here the other night. it ruined my dinner because i knew it was watching me, waiting to eat my face off as soon as i turned away. it took me 3 hours to gather up the courage to kill it. then i missed and it took me an hour to find it again and not miss it. i ended up sleeping with my bed pulled 2 feet away from the wall in every direction so that its friends would have a hard time climbing in bed with me and sucking all of the blood out of my veins.

At September 22, 2005 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good grief, get over it. These little creatures are just trying to make a living, not terrorize you personally. They are more afraid of you than vice versa (at least, they should be). So share your food with them, especially near the access points of your neighbors' houses.

At September 22, 2005 10:41 PM, Blogger chiquita yellow gold said...

for the record - that WASN'T bleeding heart, peta, humane society wiltzius. i'm not about crispy insects... but the mice. oh bobby, get you a pussy!

At September 23, 2005 5:09 PM, Blogger Marcel said...

I had mice last year, and caught 7 of them in traps, and that was it. I was surprised that there were so many. Once I accidentally hurt myself with one trap. The small mice are harder to get because they don't always trigger the trap. I caught mommy and daddy mice first and then their young. I have a cat now, you can borrow her if you want. She's the sweetest thing. I think she'd be a great mouser, she's pretty agile and a little neurotic.


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