Wednesday, November 02, 2005

nine inches

i'm going to see nine inch nails tonight. yes. the object of my 15-year-old lust, the man who proved to me that you could wear burgundy lace-up leather pants and fishnets and still kick ass, the man whose music has provided an outlet for my anger and frustration for the last ten years, the first singer that i ever heard fuck with gender and sexuality on a record album, is in washington dc. and i'm going to see him.

i'm trying to convince michael and hilary that they need to wear all-black outfits. i'd like to see hilary in her shiny black halloween wig and maybe some thigh-high boots; michael always wears all black anyway, so that's an easy battle. hilary's refused. this morning i realized that i don't wear that much black, nor do i own anything that could even be mistaken for "goth." so i'll wear my sleater-kinney t-shirt, the old standby.

in the shower this morning i thought to myself, i wonder what the crowd is going to be like at this show. is it going to be a bunch of 15 year olds? is it going to be people like me, people who've been around since downward spiral or even before? will there be 35-year-olds there, rocking out and reliving their college years? i hope so.

it's going to be the first mainly straight show i've been to in quite a while. thinking back on all of the shows i've been to recently, namely s-k and tori amos, i'm almost always surrounded by all queer people. sure, there are 16 year old boys that go to a tori show, but they're not the kind that'll kick a faggot's ass. they're the kind that wear eyeshadow and tori amos necklaces over their tori amos t-shirts (trust me, i speak from experience on that one. don't ask for pictures.). i imagine the crowd at a nin show is going to be more like the crowd at a kid rock concert. luckily, i'll have hilary and michael with me. and they can kick some ASS.


At November 02, 2005 10:23 AM, Blogger George Lam said...

here's a question: (it's rhetorical.)

why do you get all the love in the world?

At November 02, 2005 10:31 AM, Blogger Hilary said...

I loaned my thigh-high boots to michael, so at least one of us will be wearing them!

At November 02, 2005 11:02 AM, Blogger chiquita yellow gold said...

the crowd will most likely disappoint you - when i went to def leppard this summer (i'll kill you) it was a sea of boys in "cocks" baseball hats. i wanted feathered hair and acid wash!


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