Tuesday, November 29, 2005

a whole new kind of scary

even though i was in a pretty good mood this morning (good mood, considering the fact that i hate hate hate hate hate. hate hate. hate. getting up early every day) i decided to listen to with teeth (by nine inch nails. if you haven't bought this album, do it.). as i was getting ready to walk into the same entrance i walk into every morning, the same one i've walked in since i started this job, trent started to sing "every day is exactly the same." i was like, yeah, duh. then i noticed a guy across the street. i saw this same guy yesterday at exactly the same time. ok, so i always notice this guy because he's got one of the nicest asses i've ever seen on a white guy. white guys just aren't supposed to have asses like this. damn. anyway. "every day is exactly the same," indeed.

unlike previous posts, though, i don't write this to complain. i seem to have fallen into a groove, not a rut. i get up, go to work, go to the gym, practice, cook dinner, then watch tv. i mean clean up my place and contribute to mankind. that's it. mankind. and i don't mind it. it's comfortable, for now, knowing exactly how each day is going to play out.

in other news, hilary went to nyc yesterday to audition for ohio light opera. when i picked her up from the travel plaza (which, by the way, hilary informed us was a "whole new kind of scary, totally different than east monument street") she told me that i really should've auditioned because there were only 4 men on the roster to audition that day, three of whom were tenors. damn. it's the first time this season that i've regretted my decision to take a year off from the young artist audition circuit. then again, i reminded myself, this time next year i'll be able to go audition on my lunch hour. it won't mean a whole day off from work and a $160 train ticket. and that's a beautiful thing.


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