Tuesday, January 31, 2006

the last hundred thousand years

dearest readers, first of all, my apologies for not getting to blogging until 1230. if i had been busy at my desk, as you all know, i would've blogged anyway. what's working at a job when you have hoards of (1) reader(s) visiting your website, expecting to be entertained or even touched in that special place? no, dear readers, i've been in the clinic all morning. a clinic visit that was supposed to take an hour ended up taking nearly three and a half. why? well, first it was the cab company--the kid, of course, was picked up 40 minutes late and, when he finally was picked up, the cab driver took the most alice-in-wonderland-down-the-rabbithole route to get here. why? because cabbies are crooked. and cabbies in baltimore are worse. so the kid gets here, finally, and i do my thing. i page the doctor on call. where does it turn out he is? bethesda. why? i don't know. did he not know he had a patient today? again, i don't know. he's still not here, in fact, but the other doctor got out of clinic in time for me to have a short lunchbreak before my next clinic visit.


what i was really going to post about today was netflix. specifically, the fucked-up-as-they-come movies you can find on netflix. since i'm apparently on a crusade to watch the most gay cinema humanly possible without working at a year-round gay film festival, i've scoured netflix for gay movies. sometimes a gay movie is like brokeback mountain or the birdcage. classic. sometimes, i'm sad to say, they're like beverly kills (the sad, waste of life movie that i saw at NCGLFF last summer) or, even worse, like the movie we watched half of last night: the last year.

netflix the last year if:
  1. you've ever wondered if a whole movie could be shot with a camcorder
  2. you've ever watched a movie and thought, "hey, i could do that!"
  3. you have an hour and forty-eight minutes you can't do anything better with, including clipping your toenails or banging your head against a brick wall
  4. you've never seen a movie before and therefore have no basis for comparison
  5. you need a lesson in how not to write a screenplay
  6. you don't care if a movie lacks, say, editing and a score
there's probably a seventh, eighth, ninth, or tenth reason, but i'm afraid that the movie's director, who i'm sure is finishing up his film degree somewhere, will google his movie's title and come up with this site. and i'm not out to hurt anyone's feelings. really. okay so maybe a couple peoples'.


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