Monday, March 20, 2006

nothing comes between me and my coffee

i have to start the day with a little snippets-from-science-y bitching: every morning when i'm buying my coffee ($1.25 to refill my classic DARE travel thermos with decaf) i get stuck behind that certain person. you know who i'm talking about--it's that person that has to have their coffee just so. one packet of sugar--stir thoroughly--taste. two more dollops of half and half (not skim!)--stir thoroughly--taste. make a face. roll eyes. talk to friend on your left. one more packet of sugar--stir thoroughly--taste.

every morning, when i'm stuck behind this person, i hem and haw and exhale loudly. if you don't know how many packets of sugar it takes by NOW, i think, you shouldn't be DRINKING COFFEE. i see drinking coffee as something of a cult; i've had a cup of coffee every morning, basically, since the fifth grade. is this maybe why i'm five feet tall? who knows. the point is, i can tell how much milk to put in my coffee just by looking at it. and, snobby as it may sound, i only drink skim milk in my coffee. you gotta sugar it up? make it easier to drink? plebian.

anyway, so i'm stuck behind this person, barely able to mask my annoyance and disdain, and every morning the coffee offender notices that i'm behind them, then like shuffles left or right, still doctoring their coffee, just enough to let me put a squirt of skim milk and crane around to get a stirrer.

things like this, obviously, are how i distract myself from the fact that i'm moving to new york city in 11 days.


At March 20, 2006 10:31 AM, Blogger Hilary said...

I really hate that shit. I can totally sympathizzzzzzzzzzze. I only need a splash of skim, and a packet of splenda, and I'mm G to G. Fuckin people.

At March 20, 2006 2:54 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

Watch out Robert....when you're in NYC, you'll be stuck behind ME fixin my 75 cent coffee: a splash of skim, a splash of half/half, and .5254% packet of splenda (insert evil laughter, mwahhhhahaha)

At March 20, 2006 2:58 PM, Blogger Robert said...

haha, not if i get there first!

At March 21, 2006 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my GAWD, NYC is so perfect for you!!! ;)


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