Friday, June 30, 2006


okay, readers, ready thyselves for yet another dashboard confessional blog entry. i'm sorry. really i am. but i just have to say this.

there's a song on the new album that, if you can actually stop imagining yourself married to chris carrabba and moving to florida with him to live in his big house and go swimming all day long and then eventually settle down and adopt a chinese baby girl that you'll name ling carrabba, wait what was i saying? oh yeah. if you listen to the lyrics of this song, you'll hear that it's written from, in my opinion, a young veteran of war, who's returning home after combat:

It's the simple things Dad,
I'm not hurt
I'm not dead
I just should be where my friends are lying
And I didn't hate those that I killed
But they're all dead now
And I'm here alive
With satellites
And Friday nights
And no one to judge me
For the things that I've done at all
So how can I live with that

it reminds me of something i saw on, of all things, kathy griffin's show. she went to iraq on a uso tour and said something like, "these people are teenagers. when i think of teenagers i think of the brats in laguna beach. but these people have an age in their eyes for someone so young." or something. most striking to me is that this war we're in, this quagmire, if you will, has so permeated our culture that riotously strong anti-war sentiments are showing up in places like kathy griffin shows and dashboard confessional albums.

it's one thing, i mean, for the people you expect--bob dylan or neil young or ani difranco--to come out against the war. even the boss (that's bruce springsteen, you know). but kathy griffin? chris carrabba (my future husband)? and the way they're saying it, the things they're doing, they're not just doing them because it's what's cool in hollywood right now. like the way everyone wore red ribbons ten years ago.

so if we're all screaming about the war, and all of our artists and even our comedians are taking a stand against it, why isn't anyone listening?


At July 01, 2006 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I think people are listening. I think Congressman are listening and trying to figure out what stance to take for these elections upcoming. Now, whether or not the LISTENING will change anything once they're in office remains to be seen...

...And, well, what do you do?


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