Monday, June 26, 2006

all the muscles you can stand

okay, dear readers, i finally have it together enough to blog about the weekend. it's only taken me three hours to wake up and prop myself up at my desk. and yes, i'm at work. i've been at work since 9:30. wow.

so yesterday's "steady, soaking rain" turned out to be one five-minute rainshower. other than that, it was beautiful weather: cool, breezy. the kind of cool breeze that you need when you're on a pier with 5000 shirtless gay men. oh yeah, that. so i went to pier dance yesterday, which is officially my first circuit party. it's definitely going to be a once-a-year experience: i can't do it to my body more than once a year. these people who follow the circuit, who partied, for instance, from friday night until this morning, i will never understand. and you can see them at pier dance, their eyes wild and tweaking. they didn't look like they were having a particularly good time so much as they just looked angry, desperately making out with each other. circuit parties. good times.

yesterday's new york pride star sightings included (but may not be limited to, since i was in no position to remember): that hateful guy who does "cbs news on logo" (you know, the one who looks like he smells shit every time he interviews someone); ari gold, HOT jewish gay r&b singer; and jenny from the block herself, who sang a set at the end of pier dance, and whose hair was bigger than my apartment. we were hoping for xtina to make an appearance, but since the rumor mill said the guest was to be bananarama, j-lo was a great surprise. and i could see her, which was the most surprising thing, since i was blocked by all that muscle.

speaking of which, all that muscle. like, after yesterday i no longer need to see pecs or arms. i've seen enough to last me for the rest of my life. pier dance was SICK with muscle queens. i'm immune. at least until next year.


At June 27, 2006 9:31 PM, Blogger M'Lynn said...

Ari Gold is literally too hot for words. So I just pant like a dog whenever I see him.

At June 28, 2006 1:02 PM, Blogger Clairee said...

I think her hair was actually the size of Texas.


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