Friday, June 02, 2006

an open letter to new york

dear new york,

living with you is awesome. seriously. it's like nothing you could ever imagine unless you were actually here doing it. but of course you can imagine because, hello, you're new york. you not only have a fag bar for every different kind of fag, you have choices among the subcategories. your public transit is pretty amazing, and i haven't eaten at the same restaurant twice since i moved to you. since i'm able to do all of this and still not starve to death, i have to say thanks, new york. thanks.


i don't know if you've noticed, but if you ever see me walking around on your streets, it's usually by myself, or at most with my trusty ipod that's, i'm sure, going to give out any minute. and as your friend london might have told you back when i lived with him, i don't really like hanging out by myself all that much. it's not that i need to constantly be distracted or be busy, but having another person around on the subway, at the apartment, makes me forget for a while that i'm mister single new yorker, unlike my roommate(s?), and unlike i've been for kind of a while.

so go easy on me, new york, because i'm still adjusting.


At June 02, 2006 7:54 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

Hang in there single New Yorker - it just keeps getting better.

At June 06, 2006 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww....I can completely related.
Its Chris btw.


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