Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A General Malaise

if i were to treat this 'blog as a simple diary, not a platform for musings and anecdotes, but purely something to log my day-to-day comings and goings, it would look like this:


This morning I woke up at 7.20 (ok, so make that 7.35), stretched, made coffee, and watched That Gummy Sprite Katie Couric on the Today Show. then, while i warmed up my voice in the shower, terry got out of bed and had breakfast. at 8.30 am hilary came down to meet us and we all three happily headed to hopkins for our illustrious day jobs. from 9am-4.45pm today, i did the following: a) shipped pee to lenexa, kansas; b) talked to crazy people on the telephone, trying to get them to agree to have their children come in and let us take care of their asthma for a year; c) shuffled papers, both electronically and otherwise; and, last but hardly least, d) answered personal calls for the lady who sits behind me. having gotten home at 5.15pm, i practiced (for what, god only knows), went to whole foods for dinner ingredients, and cooked. from 7pm until 11pm, i watched television while terry played final fantasy 11. then i went to bed.

that's it. that's my diary. and i could cut and paste it into a new 'blog entry each and every weekday. the weekends, that's a different story. weekends are wonderful. i guess that i underestimated the monotony of having a 9-5 day job; i'd always talked (verrrrrrrry abstractly) about getting one, all through college and my masters'. who knew that having the silver spoon removed from my mouth would leave such a bad taste?

for all of you Sarah Jessica Parker fans out there, that last sentence is for you: if there was ever a Sex and the City-style metaphor, that's it.


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