Tuesday, March 29, 2005


i've gone and done it. yesterday was the month anniversary of the breakup. after thirteen more anniversaries, we'll have been broken up longer than we dated. i nearly wished t. a happy anniversary, then caught myself.

so, i've gone and done it. in honor of this special occasion, i finally switched my "friendster" status to "single." it seems like such a petty and ridiculous thing to obsess over, but what would i spend my time on if i didn't partake in petty, ridiculous obsessions? i tend to read too far into these little things; the week after t. and i broke up i incessantly checked his profile to see if it had been changed to "single." my heart leapt each time the page loaded, and again when i saw that he was still "in a relationship."

at the end of the week, i asked him about it. "oh, i hadn't noticed, i guess. i don't use friendster that much."

so, here i sit, another quiet day at work, andrew bird's "masterfade" on repeat, once again overanalyzing a useless webpage.

you took my hand and led me down towards your cupidor parade;
and we let the kittens lick our hair
and drank our chalky lemonade...

and there's the green grass at six
and the soybeans at seven
the june bugs are eight
the weeds and thistles are eleven
zeroes make a smiley-face
when they come floating down from the heavens

you took my hand and led me down towards your papillion parade
and we let the kittens lick our hair
and drank our chalky lemonade
you squeezed my hand and told me softly that i shouldn't be afraid
and all the while your finger's resting gently on the masterfade


At March 30, 2005 11:59 AM, Blogger midwest princess said...

Charlotte once said, in an episode of Sex and the City, that it takes half the time you were with someone to get over them. I'm not sure I believe it (I still have vivid dreams about B.), but atleast you can put an expiration date on it.


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