Thursday, June 23, 2005

if i'm not at my desk...

people with crohn's disease aren't supposed to eat certain foods. my father, for instance, who has a much worse case than i do because it was caught later, isn't supposed to eat popcorn, corn chips...really anything consisting of grains that aren't easily digested by the body. if he does, he has a problem--not necessarily a trip to the hospital, but it's not comfortable.

i've been lucky in that i haven't found many foods that cause me problems, which are also known as "trigger foods." usually, those of us blessed with the gift of crohn's can't eat anything spicy (how would i live?), the aforementioned foods, anything charbroiled, anything with too much fiber...the list goes on and on. as i said, though, my main trigger foods--meaning those that have either sent me racing to the bathroom or straight into the hospital--are whole-grain spaghetti, popcorn, and charbroiled meat. the whole-grain spaghetti i can do without; i was just eating it because everyone's supposed to eat shit like that. the popcorn and charbroiled food, however, i have a problem staying away from. if i eat it in moderation i'm fine, but...

i just had a lunch that consisted of charbroiled chicken with spicy sauce and kim chee. it's going to be an interesting afternoon.


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