Friday, July 29, 2005

venting. my apologies.

let's talk about what i've spent the afternoon doing, shall we?

i've been on a conference call with our data management person because the database we use to recruit folks for our asthma study isn't working. it's still not working, but we're working around it. what does that mean? it means that as i write this i should actually be continuing stamping the 100 postcards i have to stuff into the 100 envelopes that i'll then lick one hundred times. ok so i don't actually lick the envelopes.

as i was trying to solve all these problems, i kept thinking to myself, "but i don't care about these problems. i just. don't. care."

it's days like today, and tasks like these, that make me wonder why i bothered getting a masters' degree if i was just going to end up a secretary. that's right, i said it. secretary.


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