Thursday, July 28, 2005


i got really upset last night while we continued to paint the apartment. we have a fairly large place--this is baltimore, after all, and when terry and i signed the lease we were a little "household" with a "household income" over well over 60k. that doesn't sound like much, but two people can live a lot better on 60k than one can on 25. yet i digress. let's just say it's a nice apartment...a nice apartment that i can no longer afford.

and so, we've begun painting over the brown (or chocolate and country club) stripes that took us ten hours to paint a year ago. i found myself getting really frustrated while trying to get it done. something about it felt so oppressive and frustrating and huge and impossible.

i'd like to say that these feelings stemmed from me being sad about moving, sad about all the people who are leaving baltimore on saturday. and of course that's a big part of it. but let's face it: deep down i really don't dig manual labor and my arms were tired from painting. they don't call me princess robert for nothing. oh wait, no one calls me that.


At July 28, 2005 4:19 PM, Blogger Michael G Bare said...

Yeah, bet you wish you had friends there to help you....:)


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