Thursday, October 20, 2005

mad scientist

so, an addendum to yesterday's post about being sick: two hours after i wrote that blog, i actually went home from work. i sat here at my desk, staring into space, feeling nauseous and woozy. i looked at my schedule--no clinic visits that afternoon, nothing that i could really get done. i'd be sitting at my desk feeling woozy all day without much to do. so i went home. i read a bit of my disappointingly clandestine book of the moment, homocore, which is subtitled "the loud and raucous rise of queer rock." in truth, the book is nothing more than an extended, poorly-written magazine article. i'd hoped that it was about the social implications of queer rock, or about the things that gave birth to it, or...well, anything other than what it is. it's like the writers just conducted a lot of boring interviews with bands i've never heard of (and after listening to most of their music on the bands' webpages, never hope to hear of again) and pieced them together.


so, i read a bit of my boring book and then conked out for most of the afternoon. i'm back at work today, feeling less nauseous but with the added bonus of a sore throat. (by the way, i just started listening to peaches on my itunes. apparently it's gonna be that kind of day.)

this morning, my clinic staff will learn how to use the new BIA machine. you know, the machine i wrote about in an earlier post. the one that came with the software called LeanBody. the big joke around the office is that i'm the only one who's going to agree to get hooked up to this thing because none of the ladies want to know their body/fat ratio. i'm dorkily excited to try out the new equipment. i get to lay people down on a lab table and attach electrodes to them.

mwa ha ha.


At October 20, 2005 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

will you do that for me when i come visit?

At October 20, 2005 3:21 PM, Blogger Robert said...

i don't have to. it's 93%.


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