Friday, October 21, 2005


i've joined netflix, which could conceivably mean that i'll never be leaving the house again. when you can get things like the entire fourth season of queer as folk delivered right to your mailbox, why would you ever bother going out? for food? lame. spending time with friends? no thanks. sitting on my uncomfortable ikea couch for 3 hours every night watching the poorly-written storyline of brian kinney and michael nevotney unfold? yes please!

seriously, though, this seems to be what i do when it gets nasty outside. i hole up inside my apartment and watch back to back queer as folk episodes. i don't count the last time i did nothing but watch qaf because i had a partner in crime, terry. it doesn't seem quite as pathetic if you're watching it with someone. the time before that, though, was classic: i watched all of season one in about four days, sitting in my old studio apartment next to a space heater WHILE KNITTING. oh yeah. i'm sorry, i have to cut this blog short because i've got to go fight off the paparazzi.


At October 21, 2005 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you're not alone in this. Although I'm several states away, I'm doing the exact same thing each weeknight (and some weekends). On my way home from work, all I can think about is curling up on my bed (that also serves as my couch; when it's made it's a couch, when it's not it's a bed) and watching back to back episodes of Sex and the City. Now that I've seen each episode approx. 23423 times, I've moved on to Desperate Housewives Season 1. My neighbor is going to teach me to knit soon.

At October 21, 2005 12:39 PM, Blogger chiquita yellow gold said...

they need to have porn on netflix. nakia still has all of my good shit.


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