Thursday, November 03, 2005

but seriously, folks. i'm not really sure how to write about the NIN show last night without sounding like a gushing 15 year old girl with orange-dyed manic panic hair and jnco's. is that how you spell jnco's? like the really baggy pants that girls with orange-dyed manic panic hair wear? who cares because the NIN show was completely amazing.

everything about it--the light show, the set, the projections they showed in the middle of the set, the videos themselves (that interspersed horrific scenes of war, starvation, and murder with tableaus of happy, smiling white people--AND george fucking w. himself slow dancing with his idiot wife). the band sounded amazing, really full and heavy but not so loud that it was distorted. trent reznor sounded exactly like he does on his recordings, but it was obvious that he wasn't pulling a britney spears because he switched things up enough.

hilary and i (michael was a little less vocal about it) left the venue with the same reaction: goddammit trent reznor is sexy in person. like, sure, he's a sexy guy on video and all, so brooding. but in concert he just OOZES sex. he's an amazing performer--he's all over the fucking stage, sometimes literally skipping around. (i take this opportunity to interject: when he sang the lyric "26 years on my way to hell," i turned to michael and said "26 plus 11 maybe.") what's so sexy about trent reznor is that while he's playing alpha male, screaming "i want to fuck you like an animal," or "don't you fucking know what you are?" there's also this hint of vulnerability. the way he uses falsetto or lets his voice break--it seems to hint at i don't know who's going to fuck who here but someone's going to get fucked. let me see if i can put that in some not-quite-so-homo-language.

no, i can't.

bottom line: much like beth ditto from the gossip, trent reznor makes me wish that i was a rock star. he makes me wish that i could get up in front of that many people and fuck with gender and sexuality and filth and anger. and make literally millions of dollars doing it.


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