Tuesday, November 08, 2005

a new beginning

something about waiting in the shuttle line turns me into a complete asshole. i know, i know, there are those of you out there thinking but robert, you're a complete asshole all the time. how can you tell? well, dear readers who are thinking that, fuck you. see? i'm an asshole. but seriously, something chemical happens in my brain as soon as i step out the door and look down the street to see a shuttle line stretching around the corner. like an x-man or superman or something else out of another comic book i don't read, i morph into a complete and utter cocksucking motherfucking asshole.

by the time i've actually gotten onto the shuttle there's practically steam coming out of my ears. i blow past cracketta, the woman whose driving it's always exciting to survive, and am then smushed between an asian girl chattering on her cellphone and a school of public health student that keeps hitting me with his publichealth reading material.

as soon as i get to my office, however, the episode's over. i sit down to my desk, say hello to my usually-chirpy boss, and begin to blog. then i say hello to hilary and order the taxicabs for the day. i take another sip of my coffee and answer the phone: "good morning, childrens' asthma studies."

and another day begins.


At November 08, 2005 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"a new beginning" is my thing :-)

At November 08, 2005 12:32 PM, Blogger Robert said...

yeah yeah yeah

At November 09, 2005 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pretty funny


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