Wednesday, November 30, 2005

preaching to the choir

i just got off the phone with this afternoon's particpant's school. i'd only called them to make sure that they'd release the kid from school on time so that he could make it to his appointment. because they never do, and we're always here late because either the kid hasn't wandered into the cab or the cab never came or the school wouldn't let him out or he's gone out the wrong entrance or he's gone home or he's gone to basketball get the idea. so the lady at the school tells me that they haven't gotten any notes releasing the kid from school, so now i'm trying to track down the mom so that she can send in a note. and suddenly i feel like i'm begging these people to take care of their asthma. like literally tracking them down so that they don't wheeze to death.

i know i've said this before, but i often compare asthma care with my crohn's care. you take your medicine or you possibly die. or, in the case of crohn's, shit yourself to death. yet i digress. basically you do what you have to do to take care of your body. and you better believe, if i were getting completely free care for my crohn's for a full year, i wouldn't make the secretary at the doctor's office track me down. well, really, they just wouldn't. they'd be like, "you missed your appointment? oops, sorry. the doctor can see you in four months."

ok, i'm getting down off this soapbox because it looks awfully rickety.


At November 30, 2005 11:13 AM, Blogger German said...

I see it at the school all the time. There is a seventh grade girl who desperately needs glasses, as in, she could play Ray Charles in the sequal in her current state. I have tracked down community funding so she can get a pair of glasses, made an appointment for her, and all that has to happen is her grandmother has to take her to that appointment. Or give me permission to do so. But she refuses. And I have no idea why.

At November 30, 2005 11:27 AM, Blogger Robert said...



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