Tuesday, November 15, 2005

the skier

i'm doing hot yoga with hilary tonight. that's right, HUT YOGA. three years after a trend hits LA and new york it hits baltimore. so we're going. hilary loves it; i haven't done yoga in years. cory was like, "are you flexible?" and i said, "well, i stretch out every morning..." we'll see just how successful this whole yoga-while-sweating business is. reports tomorrow.

about hut yoga:

robert: so if i feel too poopy by 630 i can't push myself
hilary: ya..wear a wife beater and shorts or pants
robert: because it's hot yoga.
robert: what if i just wear some panties
hilary: ok..although you do get energized as you do it
hilary: panties will work
hilary: that's what i wear
robert: you mean they pass out crack
hilary: yes
hilary: you do bong hits
hilary: before
robert: or put lines of coke under your nose while you're sweating and doing poses
hilary: hahahahah
hilary: yes
robert: or they have mirrors attached to the end of the mats
robert: and one of the goals is to bend over far enough to do a bump
hilary: yes..that's called "the skier"
robert: ah yes, a pose i know well
hilary: hahah


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