Wednesday, April 05, 2006


so i just mentioned this temp job, right? the one that i'm at for the afternoon. it's at a big cable corporation that i used to use and complain about 24 hours a day that rhymes with "momcast." and they apparently own a cable channel that rhymes with, um, "schmee schmentertainment."

so i just have this man call and go, "hi. i'm calling with a suggestion. i own reno, nevada's only all-male nude review and i'm calling to suggest that you guys create a strippamentary [you know, like a documentary, but, um, with strippers]." he then goes on to tell me that he has all the support of local advertisers and radio, and that whatever reality tv show is currently filming strippers in reno is terrible and he can't believe it's been on the air this long.

i put him on hold, look over at this stranger on my left, and explain to her what he wants. "transfer him to LA," she tells me. and so i do.


another woman just called, and goes, "is this E entertainment?" er, i mean, schmee schmentertainment. anyway, i'm like, "no." she's all, "it's not?? um, i'm trying to find who does the isaac misrahi show. connect me to them." really bitchy-like. i said, "do you have a name specifically?" "i'm just trying to find the isaac misrahi show." she was really pissed. i would be, too, if i had to call isaac misrahi.


At April 06, 2006 11:19 AM, Blogger Florida Opera/Waitress said...

You should have just transfered her to the local Target!
Sounds like you are doing well!!!


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