Wednesday, March 29, 2006

arcos is tacos spelled backwards

my going away luncheon at work is today. it's very surreal knowing that, after going to luncheon after luncheon, this one is for me. because i am, finally, going away. at these things i usually tend to try not to be the center of attention (even when we're drinking). and, those of you who know me know that i usually love to be the center of attention. but at work it's different. today, though, i'm all up in the limelight. this is my luncheon. and i'm probably going to have to give some sort of speech. and i'm going to try not to cry. seriously. we're going to arcos, a great mexican restaurant in fell's point. and hopefully we're going to have a margarita or seven. then maybe, just maybe, some of us will go out for happy hour after work. which means, obviously, that i'll be skipping the gym again, even though i'm in full-power moving-to-new-york-must-have-six-pack mode. hilary: "why does it matter that you go to the gym so much before you move? it's not like you're going to be walking around with your shirt off right after we move there." me: "oh. um, right. i don't know. shh."

in other news, i have my first job interview on monday at two pm. i've sent out probably two hundred resumes. and i've gotten one job interview. oh, there was the lady who called and then proceeded to tell me that "there was no flexibility in the schedule and they offered no comp time." that didn't go very far. so i'm interviewing for an office assistant job at mannes school of music. maybe, just maybe, they'll hire me to answer their phones since they wouldn't let me into their masters program. keep your fingers crossed.

it's insane to think about: today is wednesday. on monday i will have moved into a new apartment in a new city and be on my way to a job interview.

i need a drink. preferably a margarita.


At March 29, 2006 11:56 AM, Blogger George Lam said...

"arcos is tacos spelled backwards." I don't even know why we said that... then again, it's probably because it came out of my mouth and usually things that come out of my mouth don't make much sense.

good luck at MANnes!

At March 29, 2006 2:58 PM, Blogger Ratface said...

haha, even though they didn't let you into the masters program.
good luck. and duh-of course you'll be doing your moving with your shit off!

At March 30, 2006 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, so i'm opening a resturant called socat, and it will only serve food from rachell rays cookbook and i will force all my cooks to wear a paula dean apron on a daily basis.


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