Tuesday, March 21, 2006

bigger fish to fry

so, dearest readers, most of you probably know that i have a lil' something called crohn's disease. no, i didn't get it from having illicit sex or from doing drugs or because of anything else fun. i got it genetically. lame.

so my crohn's has been doing really well; after i was diagnosed in august 2004 my doc told me that i basically had "IBS with an underlying case of crohn's," meaning that i could just take these pills and probably be fine for the rest of my life. then, last thursday morning, i went to the hospital and was told i might need surgery. which means i'm not fine for the rest of my life. but, luckily, i don't have to have surgery.

what sucks, i just discovered today, is that my doctor thinks i have a much more severe case of crohn's than he initially thought; i have to go on this lame immunosuppressant drug which might make it easier for me to get sick. oh, and remember? i'm moving to new york in 10 days and i'm leaving my health insurance and doctors behind.

so i can't start this new more hard-core drug yet because i have to be monitored. apparently they don't want you just wandering around new york on immunosuppressants without a doctor. who'da thought? so they're making me stay on prednisone for, um, the next...well until i get a new doctor and can afford the new fancy drug and all the fancy blood tests it'll require. prednisone. yep, that stuff that can give you a distended, puffy face and damage your liver. i'm already doing plenty of damage to my liver without prednisone's help, thank you very much.

all of this made it not to sad when jordan said we'd have to postpone our nudie mag photo shoot:

jordan: it will happen on friday or this weekend
robert: i work friday, buttttttttt lemme know about this weekend and gimme warning
robert: because i have parties, packing, shit to do
jordan: okay definitely
robert: i'm not in the mood to pose nude today anyway
jordan: hahahaha good
robert: instead i'll go to the gym and then make a delicious pesto
jordan: fag
robert: says the young man who was about to take pictures of me in a jockstrap

rest assured, dear readers, crohn's won't get me down. i'll be naked yet.


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