Monday, August 01, 2005

il est fini

dennis asked me today when i plan on blogging about terry and i moving. i'm in the process of writing a column about it, actually (which is good, seeing as the column's due to the editor by the end of the business day), but i feel like i've said all i can really say about it. i've been saying it, really, since february 29th. but i'll say this.

thank you, terry, for:
  1. trying to make me a cleaner person and failing miserably
  2. teaching me the true meaning of a dry sense of humor
  3. introducing me to the word "capase"
  4. eating the food i cooked, whether or not it had vinegar and mustard in it
  5. teaching me that a human can survive a methane gas explosion
  6. coming home from work because i'd walked up to my car to find it totaled
  7. spending countless hours with my new boyfriend
  8. teaching me that if you don't know how to pronounce a word in french, just sound it out (marseilles = mar-sales)
  9. introducing me to your frat brothers and having me hang out with "the girlfriends"
  10. showing me that not all 70's straight-boy bands are bad (oh, wait)
and thank you for your quiet, your patience, your love. it was a good run and i'll see you again.

there, dennis, now the world knows what i have to say about terry and i moving. and i've gotten all personal again.


At August 01, 2005 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was GREAT. I needed my own emotional catharsis today.

At August 01, 2005 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so much better now. Hows your move going!?? BLOG ABOUT IT!

At August 01, 2005 6:00 PM, Blogger Robert said...

oh, dennis. i don't often take requests.

At August 03, 2005 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's pronounced caspase. i miss you :_(


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