Thursday, January 19, 2006

a blog about television

this morning on the shuttle i was doing my usual "hmm, what am i going to blog about today?" and i had two ideas:
  1. the today show today had a whole feature on american idol. i watched it because a) i watch the today show every morning no matter how boring the subject matter; and b) because i'm the only person i know that doesn't watch idol. i just don't think it's funny. i'm always like...oooh, listen. they can't sing. they're wearing a dorothy costume. it's inevitable that i feel bad about the person at first, and then think to myself, well, they've done this to themselves on national television. and then i start to think about how some people will do anything for "fifteen seconds of fame," as the special guest on the today show said this morning. so i don't watch. the whole point is, they said that there's now a scandal surrounding our dear pop princess kelly clarkson, the only american idol i'll ever need. apparently she's refusing to let any of this season's contestants sing her songs. paula abdul said something like, "it's just sad when people forget their humble beginnings." like being an l.a. lakers cheerleader, paula? it's true, though. you're from dallas, kelly, don't forget that.
  2. i can't sufficiently express my disgust at project runway's insistence on keeping that wretched santino on the show. i don't know how many of you were watching (if you were watching anything else at 10 last night you were wasting your time), but the ice skating outfit that santino made looks like he took three pieces of spandex and hot glued novelty feathers to the back. and then tied the three pieces of spandex together at the neck and called it a costume. dear old emmett's ice skating outfit was completely lame (not "VULGAR" as that blonde bitch kept insisting) but he certainly didn't deserve the axe. just as heidi said, "i'm ready to give him my auf wiedersehen." and by "my auf wiedersehen" i mean my foot up his ass after i've taken clippers to his wretched hair and beard.
after thinking about these topics, i thought to myself, robert, what on earth is going on with you? the only things you can think of to blog about is television. surely more is going on in my life than tv. i mean, i'm applying for jobs in new york, singing, drinking, living, laughing, loving. yet i sit here blogging about kelly clarkson. i guess i just need to "breakaway." har har.


At January 19, 2006 9:41 AM, Blogger Richard said...

I completely agree about Idol ... I actually had someone not answer my call because he was watching Idol. How lame is that? Not to mention all of the dinners that are ruined because the group starts talking about their latest fave on Idol. I haven't watched and never will. Keep the faith.

At January 19, 2006 11:29 AM, Blogger Robert said...

join the campaign.

At January 19, 2006 11:59 AM, Blogger Florida Opera/Waitress said...

I too am protesting Idol. I think it is sad that they allow people that suck into the rooms to sing for the judges when there are other good singers that get truned away, just because they need to good fodder for commercials.

I also can't believe that they kept Santino on. Yes, Emmet's outfit was unorginal, but it was something that an iceskater would wear! I have seen tons of skaters wearing things like that. I think practicality should win out over "just trying to cross the line". At the end of the show, they say that the producers give advice on the eliminations...obviously, or Santino would be gone.


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