Friday, January 13, 2006

seeing is expensive

there's a girl in my study that always squints at you when you look at her. she was in for three clinic visits, which equals about 10 hours of time spent with her, before i came to the realization that she wasn't a total fucking bitch. i thought that she was judging me with those squinty eyes, clicking her tongue, glaring at me through slits. i kept thinking, who the hell does this girl think she is, constantly reading me like this? then i realized that the poor dear is blind as a fucking bat. and she's an inner-city teenager whose mother miraculously takes care of her asthma and probably doesn't have her shit together enough to take her to the eye doctor. now when i see her, i always wanna go, "[name suppressed because i don't wanna lose my job...hipaa's a bitch]! over here! no, here! good. now just follow the sound of my voice." just call me the miracle worker.

the point is, i feel a little bit like this girl this week because, as i sit here squintingly staring at the computer screen, i'm reminded that the only thing that separates me from her is a pair of brooks brothers glasses that i've had since i was 19. a pair of glasses that i no longer have, because i'm clearly a moron.

that's right, ladies and gents, i've lost my glasses. no, they're not at my house. and no, they're not at any of my friends' houses or in my desk at work. they're not in a coat pocket or in my car. they're not floating around my bag and they're not in the clinic. they are, as far as i can tell (or see), gone. i've now made it a full work-week without glasses. luckily i'm near-sighted so i'm able to do my work. and my vision isn't that bad, anyway. i'm no ashli ryon. now that girl is blind as a bat (lylas ashli).

really it's just a pain. i'm blind enough that i need glasses and when i don't wear them i have to strain to see and start to get a headache. like now. and i keep reaching to push my glasses up on my nose and realizing that they're not there. so i have an eye appointment this morning (thank god, my insurance gives you one free eye exam a year) and might be shopping for new glasses this weekend. because, you know, i have so much spare cash laying around what with taxes and trying to move to new york. at least now i know what to do with it.


At January 13, 2006 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are they on your face? i've done that lots of times. not with glasses - i only have lab glasses. but i've spent upwards of 15 minutes looking for my keys when they've been in my hand the whole time. you should go look in the mirror, just in case.

At January 13, 2006 10:12 AM, Blogger Ratface said...

maybe she's just asian

At January 13, 2006 10:34 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

I think you're really funny

At January 13, 2006 11:10 AM, Blogger Hilary said...

"Welcome to adult life. Join the army". -my brother

At January 13, 2006 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i take offense to the asian comment--we can't help it if we are ocularly challenged


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