Wednesday, January 11, 2006

the slippery slope (park slope that is)

dearest, darling readers, i can't believe that i've forgotten to write about this for so long. it's like i've been so busy blogging about kelly clarkson and fart jokes that i glossed right over something very important that's happened in my life: after months of sweating, worrying, and nervously laughing, i told my boss that i'm moving to new york at the end of march.

(for those of you who don't know, i never planned to be at hopkins so long. initially i was going to move wherever terry moved for grad school [i know that sounds sad, but please see "the line," the last column i wrote. oh, and he only applied places i said i wanted to move. so there.] in august. but then, you know, things happened. like us breaking up. and suddenly i had to make a new plan. so, after many sleepless nights, i decided to call up my friend amanda from college and inform her that it was time she moved out of her cushy connecticut mom's house and get into the city with me. after all, hilary and nakia were moving, too. then nakia decided not to go to nyc and hilary got thrown into the end-of-march-moving-mix and shit started to get really crazy and exciting. so that's how i ended up moving to new york at the end of march.)

anyway, i gave notice to my boss and she couldn't have been more supportive. i had all these visions of her getting pissed. saying things like, "you don't want to be here? you know what? fine! GET OUT!" and then i'd be leaving hopkins, soggy kleenex in one hand and a box of "personal effects" in the other. and i'd be either a) waiting tables or, if i was really lucky b) shirtlessly barbacking at a gay bar until i moved. there are some days at this job that those options don't sound too bad, but then i remember that i have crohn's disease and have to have someone else pay for my medication. yes, hopkins has me by the balls.

but, as i said, my boss was very supportive. she said that i could stay as long as i needed to and to make sure that i had prospective-employers call her for references. i told her, quite honestly, that i couldn't have asked for a better job for the last year and a half and started to tear up a little. because i'm a total homo.

and so i've started the slippery slope towards new york city. i've forwarded my newly-updated resume to my boss for tweaking (i love the word tweaking because it always reminds me of nipples). i've sent three resumes to three different companies in new york, and will probably be sending more today, since unlike those hateful "young artist" applications, sending resumes for jobs is free. i'll just maniacally send them until i land something. then there's that little thing called "finding an apartment in new york when you really want to live on the upper east side but what you can afford is harlem." i'll cross that bridge when i come to it (literally, since we're going to end up in queens).


At January 11, 2006 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont you mean shirtlessly "bearbacking" at a gay bar?! Badda Bing, Badda Boom!

At January 11, 2006 12:11 PM, Blogger Robert said...


At January 11, 2006 3:58 PM, Blogger George Lam said...

BARBACK MOUNTAIN - now a major motion picture from para-mount.

At January 11, 2006 4:02 PM, Blogger Robert said...



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