Monday, January 09, 2006


Q: what happens when you take a sleeping pill and then forget to set your alarm?

A: you wake up at 8:45, when you were supposed to be at work at 8:30.

that's right, ladies and gents, i woke up this morning, lazily stretched, and decided that even though my alarm hadn't gone off i'd check to see what time it was. i always wake up at 7:15 and then think to myself, dammit, why couldn't i have just slept another ten minutes? c'mon, body! needless to say, when my trusty clock radio, the one my mom bought me when i was in first grade so that i could start waking myself up, read 8:45, i said (out-loud, mind you, because i seem to be saying a lot of things out-loud to myself in my apartment lately) "OH HELL NO." maybe this is what comes of living by yourself for too long: if there's no one around to talk to, you just make do and talk to the only person who really cares what you have to say: yourself.

anyway, i practically screamed "OH HELL NO" and flew out of bed, straight to my cell phone, where i called my boss. since, thank god, she's a cool boss she just laughed and said, "oh that's ok, i'm just pulling into the parking lot myself." next i called my office, because i knew that since i'm the one in charge of getting crazy study participants into the clinic and i wasn't there no one was coming. i walked my coworker through the form you have to fill out to order a cab (is it brain surgery? no. does anyone else know how to do it, apparently? no.) and screamed into the phone, "I'M GETTING IN THE SHOWER NOW!" then slammed down the phone and somehow got showered, shaved, and onto the shuttle in thirty minutes flat. and so now i'm at work, where the study participants who were supposed to be here an hour and a half ago are still trying to get into the cabs that weren't sent for them.

i have to go have a granola bar.


At January 09, 2006 11:21 AM, Blogger George Lam said...

and you still found time to type all of this so we can read it! terrific!


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