Monday, July 10, 2006


i just had a conversation with laura about train etiquette because of a riotous (but extremely long) article from new york magazine that hilary posted on her blog. we were sharing our personal pet peeves when it comes to the subway (hers: when someone won't move out of the way and allow you to hold onto something. mine: when someone's blocking the door of an empty train so that they can be sure to be the first ones off at the next stop.), and i discovered that my solution to both of them (to all of them, really) was just, "well i'd just shove them out of the way." someone's blocking the door? shove 'em. someone won't let you grab onto something? shove 'em. that pesky baby is taking up the last seat on the train with its stupid baby-carrier? shove 'em. i don't know when this all started, me being a pushy bastard, but it's pretty much limited to train travel. i don't walk down the sidewalk pushing over old ladies, but get us moving 35 miles per hour underground and it's every grandma for herself.

i write this because amanda and i went to her house in fairfield yesterday to celebrate hers and her aunt judy's birthdays. her aunt judy has a dog named kayla, a shih tzu with bows in its hair (bows that, judy tells me, come from a nice lady in oklahoma.) and its own room. it sits at the table with us during dinner and responds to commands like "go show auntie barbara your birthday bow." the dog is pushed around in a pram specifically designed for dogs. this isn't the point of this story, but you get the idea.

to get to amanda's house you have to ride an extremely crowded metro north train. i don't know why it's always so crowded, but by the time we get onto the train we inevitably have to fight for seats together. and they're usually those horrible seats where four people have to face each other, trying desperately not to bump knees, looking apologetic the whole time. as we were boarding the train yesterday, i moved out of the aisle into a seat, just momentarily, mind you, to let a man pass me. i hear a voice from behind me say, rudely, "someone is already sitting there." i turn on my heel, just like my mother, and say "i'm not sitting there. i'm moving out of the way to let this man past me." i said it very matter-of-factly, as if to say this is not a topic that is open for discussion. of course, the words were out of my mouth before i noticed that the little bitch giving me attitude was an 11-year-old black girl. oops.

and so, pushing my way onto the intensely crowded subway car this morning, i thought to myself, new york is making me pushy. it's making me be one of those people who shoves their way into places just because i feel like i have to. for the first three months i lived here, moving around the city was a very zen thing (like the old question, how many babies fit in the tire?). i just went where i had to go, listening to my ipod, letting the people swarm around me. lately, though, i find myself getting caught up in the flood. i gotta slow down.


At July 10, 2006 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've never heard the old question "how many babies fit into a tire"

your unwell robert

At July 10, 2006 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me there are too many factors: What type of tire? How old are the babies? What is their diet? I mean, you can't even fit a new-born into one of those ten-speed tires; but one of those big-rigs? Or a monster truck? Forget about it: You could get the whole pediatric ward.

But, dear Robert, I'm off-topic: I think a lot of the pushing and shoving comes from people wanting to establish dominance. I find the solution that works best is to announce, "We're ALL late for work, and we ALL hate the MTA," and then ask for what you want. Once people realize that it's not EACH OTHER that we should be fighting but THE MAN, then everyone gets nicer and smiles and jokes and gets along.

I find, sometimes, that it's nice to point out poverty. "We're all poor. If more rich people rode the train, they wouldn't pack us in this way." I'm a big fan of saying, "We'll ALL get where we want to go quicker if YOU step away from the door," in the nicest, most civil tone possible. It's about community-building in a city where people sometimes put the blinders up.

Yeah... I think we should try it... like those jelly-beans-in-a-jar competitions. With a monster-truck tire. And new-borns. You pay $5 to enter a number. The person who gets closest without going over wins. Like THE PRICE IS RIGHT.

At July 10, 2006 1:37 PM, Blogger Robert said...

people, it's a quote from guffman!

At July 10, 2006 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG - speaking of Guffman, there is an actual town in Missouri (O'Fallon) that is doing an original show called 'Tales from a Small Town' for it's Sesquicentennial celebration. It promises to be the "central piece" of the 150th anniversary celebration. "The curtain will go up on O'Fallon's first resident, business owner, postmaster and railroad agent, Nicholas Krekel, who will come to life and greet characters from O'Fallon's past." I about died when I heard of this. I will definitely be there, ready to wave my American flag and prop my feet up on some homemade footstools.

At July 10, 2006 2:13 PM, Blogger Robert said...


i was actually in a show called "the gift of willie cry" that was an original musical about the history of my hometown. YESSSSSS.

At July 10, 2006 2:31 PM, Blogger Contrabaixista said...

Awww, look at Robert be all hard ass and push people around. Next thing you know, he'll be a top. =oP

At July 10, 2006 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Gift of Willie Cry" - oh, how that makes me smile.

At July 10, 2006 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The following comment is directed to you and your blogs as a whole, not just this specific entry.

You are quite possibly the biggest, most narcissistic, self-obsessed, 20-something loser I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of them in my life.

Get over yourself!!!

You are nothing special -- just as with any other of these stupid 20-something bloggers, I ask myself: why would anyone want to read what you have to say? The answer: nobody does. Certainly I didn't -- and that's 5 minutes of my life I'm never getting back...

Again: get over yourself! If not for yourself, then for the sake of all your so-called "friends", all the people around you who are too afraid to tell you the truth, that you're just a conceited, self-absorbed, total jackass.

At July 10, 2006 4:41 PM, Blogger Robert said...

thanks, anonymous.

next time, don't be such a fucking pussy. back up your tough words with at least a name.

At July 10, 2006 4:47 PM, Blogger Hilary said...

Hey anon-

eat a dick!


At July 10, 2006 5:03 PM, Blogger Contrabaixista said...

What a douche, like what kind of loser spends their day going around sniping anonymously at bloggers?

At July 11, 2006 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Robert,
If it weren't for your blog, I would have nothing to amuse myself with at my boring temp jobs. In fact, I think that if your blog were to not exist, I would have ended it long ago. So in essence, your blog has saved my life. As I imagine it has saved many lives. So anonymous, whoever you may be, SUCK IT. This blog is saving lives.


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