Wednesday, March 30, 2005

emily and grams

a story from emily:

"so while my grandma was here, we were down in the hotel lobby having free wine hour and then we had to get ready for church, so we gathered all our stuff together and went up to our room. after church we got back to the hotel and took off our coats and stuff, and i see this black coat lying on the chair that i think is my gram's. my gram goes to hang it up and she's like, 'emily this isn't your coat', and i'm like, 'no, i thought it was your coat'. she looks at it and says 'IT'S A MAN'S COAT! A STRANGE MAN HAS BEEN IN OUR ROOM!' she then pulls these car keys out of the pocket and starts freaking out. so she calls the front desk, only to find that some poor man was frantically looking for his coat because we had accidentally picked it up out of the lobby during free wine hour. and we'd only had one glass each, swear to god."

find more of her at midwest princess.


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