Wednesday, October 26, 2005

the great equalizer

so, dear readers, why is there no post until nearly one-thirty in the afternoon? why have i chosen to disappoint the one or two of you that have stopped by my little dent in the robert net universe? well, it wasn't because the shuttle was late (though it was. again. and i had to stand outside in the cold for 35 minutes waiting for one. yet i digress), and it wasn't JUST because i sat through two and a half hours of lab meeting this morning. that's right. two and a half hours. if a meeting requires a bathroom break, it's just too long, people! it's because blogger's been acting up. naughty blogger. blogger needs to be disciplined. blogger needs to be spanked.

what was extremely entertaining about this morning's meeting, however, was that apparently every woman on my floor lusts after the same elevator repairman that i do. i've blogged about him before, maybe a couple months ago. he's hot. i wrote something about having lust in my heart every time i saw him walk by my office, which is true.

so i'm in this forever-long meeting that was only attended by a bunch of married women and myself. we're talking about what we want for christmas, and this woman (who will remain anonymous so that i can keep my job) goes "i'll tell you what I want for christmas--that elevator repair guy wearing nothing but a bow--a strategically-placed bow!" another lady was like, "oh yeah!" and another: "he's HOT!"

i was just sitting there thinking to myself, i'm not so different from these people after all.


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