Thursday, May 11, 2006

gimme money!

hilary and i have decided to start a team for aids walk. i mean, actually, that hilary and i talked about forming a new york aidswalk team and then, of course, planny planpants herself actually went to the website, figured out how to do it, and created our team. so far it's me, hilary, and my boss. we were going to call ourselves "we love anderson cooper," at which point laura (my boss) suggested that we get pictures of him from vanity fair, cut out the eyes, and wear anderson cooper masks. that would be extremely creepy (even for an event as gay as new york aidswalk) and a possible legal issue, since, you know, anderson cooper totally isn't gay (allegedly). so we decided to call ourselves the "baltimorons." because, yes, hilary and i just moved here and laura was born there. and her whole life her father's called her "the baltimoron." so it just fit.

the aidswalk is a week from sunday, and if you're in new york (or would like to travel to new york that weekend) and would like to walk, either go here or email me. or, to donate to our aidswalk team, click here. since my personal goal for fundraising was $25 (that's right, i like to aim really high. reach for the stars. all that.) it shouldn't be hard to reach it. and how funny would it be if i raised like $150 and the little thermometer at the bottom of the page registered that i'd raised like 600% (shut up i don't do math) what i was supposed to? i'd feel like donald trump. but for aids research.

so, in short. click here to donate money to GMHC and aids research. click here to join our team.

you're the best.


At May 11, 2006 11:44 AM, Blogger missnakia said...

Anderson Cooper is so hot he deserves a shrine! Oh..and count me in for some mons.

At May 11, 2006 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm winning! Hahaha! --Laura


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