Wednesday, July 12, 2006


first of all, i have to write a post telling you all to run, not walk, out and buy the new peaches cd. it's called impeach my bush and it came out yesterday. i'm listening to it right now. it includes gem lyrics such as

i'd rather fuck who i want
than kill who i am told to.

let's face it, we all want tush.
if i'm wrong, impeach my bush.


the tent's so big in your pants, baby,
if there's a housing crisis

there ain't anymore

need a place to go,
you better open the door.

oh, and there's an entire song devoted to the hanky code. if you don't know what this is and you're a gay man, you better go look it up.

if that weren't enough to make you all want this cd on your ipods, it has some of the hottest electronic beats since the new goldfrapp cd. granted, that was only about six months ago. but still. when we're faced with a summer full of crappy new beyonce and justin timberlake songs, we need some hot electronic sex music. and i'm voting for peaches.

what's great about this new cd is that, like the new gossip (standing in the way of control. buy it.) and the new-ish sleater-kinney (the woods. their final album. buy it.), it's the first time her sound is really polished, but it's an example of the best thing a polished studio sound can do for an artist. it's like she took her bigger budget and her fancy producer and made the best peaches cd she could, unlike other people--like, um, say, paris hilton or liz phair--who take their fancy producers and make the most boring-sounding radio-friendly shit you've ever heard.

anyway, more later. but for now, i got some rocking out to do.


At July 12, 2006 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in that case, you better not check out my myspace page...

At July 12, 2006 10:17 AM, Blogger Robert said...


At July 12, 2006 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm bringin sexyback.


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