Friday, April 14, 2006

damn you amtrak

damn you, amtrak. damn you for being the quickest and easiest way to get up and down the east coast. damn you for being fairly reliable and efficient and on time. and most of all, damn you for upping the cost of your precious, wonderful tickets during holidays.

on a normal day, the tickets to baltimore that hilary and i just bought would've been 130 round trip. that's still pretty expensive when you think about it. this weekend, though, because apparently everyone on the east coast has to get somewhere for easter (even though with the exception of hilary i don't think i know many people who actually consider themselves christian), the tickets we just bought were 187 dollars. for a train! not some like magical japanese bullet train. the normal, coach-class train, where i'm fairly sure we're going to have to stand for at least part of the journey. and i'm going to hem and haw the entire way because i paid so much for the ticket and have to stand. it'd be ok except that we're only being reimbursed 160 for the tickets. so basically i'm kind of paying 27 to sing on easter. sweet.

i'll bitch and moan about this until i'm blue in the face, but it's totally our fault: we've been saying to each other, "you know, we really have to buy those tickets!" for two weeks. and then we go and wash dishes and hang out and drink wine and work and go to the gym and...don't buy the tickets. so we bought 'em a day in advance and ended up screwing ourselves in the ass. and not in the good way.

st. david's here we come. expensively.


At April 14, 2006 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the fact that you are coming back to Baldamore far outweighs that measly $27!!!!!!!!

At April 14, 2006 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time take the Chinatown Bus to Baltimore from is only $35 RT and very reliable. (the DC bus stops in Bmore)

At April 14, 2006 6:20 PM, Blogger Hilary said...

Ya, I've taken the Chinatown bus 100 times, and it is cheap and reliable. Robert, however, has not. PLUS, we are being reimbursed for train fare. We're just assholes and waited until the last minute to book.

At April 16, 2006 11:44 PM, Blogger Ratface said...

you guys were busy washing dishes? seriously?


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